Friday, December 14, 2012

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Chantal Kreviazuk - Leaving On a Jet Plane

I'm ... I'm ...

All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go
I'm standin' here outside your door
I hate to wake you up to say goodbye

But the dawn is breakin', it's early morn
The taxi's waitin', he's blowin' his horn
Already I'm so lonesome I could die

Flo Rida-Whistle

Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby
Let me know
Girl I’m gonna show you how to do it
And we start real slow
You just put your lips together
And you come real close
Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby
Here we go

Monday, September 24, 2012

Exposition Text

Benefits of Peppermint Tea.
Peppermint (Mentha piperita), also known as mint is widely used around the world. Perhaps those who enjoy drinking tea even prefer mint among the many tea choices we have on the market. So why people like mint tea? Below are some of the reasons why.
It has a menthol feel that soothes we while and after drinking. It has a calming effect which is good for people under a lot of stress or perhaps with headaches, even. Just the scent of this tea would immediately calm your nerves.
It’s also a good breath refresher so bye-bye bad breath (as long as you’re drinking the tea, of course).

Monday, September 17, 2012

Marron 5 - Sunday Morning

Sunday morning rain is falling
Steal some covers share some skin
Clouds are shrouding us in moments unforgettable
You twist to fit the mold that I am in
But things just get so crazy living life gets hard to do
And I would gladly hit the road get up and go if I knew
That someday it would lead me back to you
That someday it would lead me back to you

Marron 5 - Payphone

I'm at a payphone trying to call home
All of my change I spent on you
Where have the times gone
Baby it's all wrong, where are the plans we made for two?

Yeah, I, I know it's hard to remember
The people we used to be
It's even harder to picture
That you're not here next to me
You say it's too late to make it
But is it too late to try?
And in our time that you wasted
All of our bridges burned down

By : Hanifa Aliyya Talida :)

what do you think?

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Ucapan Lebaran :)

Hai :) ketemu lagi sama aku. Kemarin (18-07-12) dan hari ini (19-07-12) ada beberapa temen dan saudaraku yang ngirimin ucapan hari raya idul fitri buat aku. Ku kasih tau ya ;) mungkin aja, bisa jadi inspirasi kalian buat ngirimin ucapan hari raya idul fitri ke temen, saudara atau pun yang lainnya.

Evi (18-07-12 at 19:46:33) : UPILNYA EVI RASANYA ASIN MOHON MAAF LAHIR&BATIN. Temen2 maafin kesalahan evi :'), yang evi sengaja maupun enggak sengaja. Smoga kita selalu diberkahi&dirahmati Allah :3 Amin

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Monday, April 23, 2012

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Tulis pesan km untuk Mario ,maksimal 50 kata..
Kirim foto km & pesan untuk mario 
--> Kirim lewat email 
Facebook 'Regina B. Oreos'
Pengumpulan paling lambat 1 Mei ~ 
Bayar Rp.5000/orang (lewat transfer)
Pesan & foto kalian akan dimasukkan ke #BukuUntukMario Kalau sudah mengTransfer uangnya..
Buku ini akan di kirim ke Thailand dan dikasih ke Mario :) 
Jadi,isi buku ini ada pesan2 dr aku,dan kalian para fans mario dari Indonesia :) Ajak smua fans indo mario ya!
Follow twitter jg ya @OhOhindonesia

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Lirik Lagu Day/Month/Year-Crazy Little Thing Called Love

wun jun chun kauy yoo
ung karn gaw kauy doo
doo doo wah tur pen ngai

poot tur gaw mai mah
chow sai gaw mai mee
preu hud wahng plau


sook reu sow reu wah ah tit
mai mee wun nai mai kid teung
mai mee wun nai tee tur ja jaun mah
soo wun gow gow kaung row

Lirik Lagu Someday-Crazy Little Thing Called Love

mai roo wa nan kae nai
tee chun dtong ton gup took sing
pid bung kwam jing nai jai took took yang
took krung tee rao pob gun
took krung tee ter hun ma
tee chun chey chey
roo mai chun fuen kae nai